Critical Evaluation


Prior to this project, I had worked on an assignment called ‘Narrative Project’. For this I had to design and document a narrative for a video game that embodied several characters and environments. I had an idea for a novel that I really wanted to write, so I based the narrative project on my ideas for the novel.
Upon completing that assignment, I decided that I wanted to continue it into my Final Major Project (FMP). As I had already done all the written documentation in the previous project, I decided to focus mostly on the art and visual aspects of the narrative, for my FMP.
My goal was to create visual representations of all the characters, predominantly using pencil drawing, however some works would be digital. I also set out to illustrate some environments and storyboard the opening to the narrative in its novel form. This meant that I had to start writing the novel; I was happy with this as it implemented writing in my FMP and turned my novel into more than just an idea. 

 I set my self a time plan that spanned over 10 weeks. The deadline was more than 10 weeks away, but I was taking into account that I had other assignments to do at the same time. I found this time plan reasonably accommodating; however I did not follow it word for word. It acted more as a guide line for my process. I tend not to follow a chronological order in my thought and design process. But instead do things in sections and then put them together as they come to completion.  I find this works well for me and has done so throughout this assignment.

After gathering a large amount of visual and written research for the purpose of inspiration and structural reference I began drawing up concepts for my first character ‘Leon’. Once I had produced an idea of how I wanted Leon to look I drew up his final design. I used this same process for all the characters, some were harder to visualise than others and required reference materials. Designing the characters was the most time consuming and difficult contribution to the project, spanning over several weeks.
I feel my character illustrations are the most developed and the project’s strongest asset. It would have been nice to have made digital renders, as well as pencil for all the characters. However due to the time that would have consumed, I would have had to compromise a different element of my project. Overall I’m very pleased with them and see them as my best pencil works to date.
Personally I enjoy creating characters the most out of all fields of drawing, but repeating any long process of development gets rather tedious and tiresome. So I deviate and contribute to other parts of the project. When this occurred I worked on creating the digital illustrations, predominantly the two of Leon using his powers.
After a lot of conception and trial and error, I finally created several pieces of digital art that I was pleased with.  I feel that my final version of Leon using his powers is my best digital ‘character’ painting to date and the two final environment designs depict a strong abstract style.
I believe that my digital painting still has a long way to come in terms of finding my own style. It is clearly evident that my pencil work upholds a distinct personal style. I have tried to bring this style to my digital works, however I have found this a very challenging process. Nevertheless I am extremely pleased with what I have managed to produce and uphold the principle that there is always room to improve.
The pencil mapping and concepts of the environments were created mostly to benefit my own visual process. However I do feel the mapping gives the world more character and depth.

Once I completed all the digital and pencil art works, I moved on to creating the storyboards. The inclusion of storyboards to this project was for two main reasons; to exercise the video game aspect of the story and to satisfy my personal yearning to get the sequences in my head down on paper.  
I found storyboarding to be a rather boring process, but upon completion it was nice to see a visual representation of my writing. I feel I should have perhaps done some research in to the production of storyboards, rather than just looking at them. This may have allowed me to polish mine with a more professional aesthetic.

Since writing the narrative project, certain things have changed in the novel/game; this included the addition of a new character. I am happy with this as it shows my ideas have grown between the two assignments. These additions and changes are listed in the assignments blog diary. 

Having finished all the artistic elements of the project and added the alterations my final task was to finish the second chapter of my novel. This was an accessible goal for the time I had left. I’m extremely happy with the novel so far and I am looking forward to continuing it once this assignment is over.

Throughout this assignment I have been documenting everything in both a blog diary and a workbook.  I have found having both very beneficial to my process and presentation.
The blog consists of work advancement such as research and development steps, as well as a place to showcase my digital art.
The workbook shows all my pencil illustrations, their concepts and displays my storyboards.
So that the purpose and contents of this project (FMP) is justifiable I have included the workbook for the narrative project assignment. As the narrative project has already been assessed once before, I am aware it will not be a second time.
The two completed chapters of the novel have been presented along with the workbooks as opposed to putting it on the blog because I wanted to present it as a little book.

I am more than pleased with all my work. I believe I have accomplished everything I set out to do to a more than satisfactory standard.
There are elements I feel could be improved, but I see that as a good thing, it shows my skills still have room to grow. I would have liked to submit more of my novel than just two chapters, but getting all the artwork finished was my first priority. Overall I’m extremely happy with what I have produced for this assignment. 

Over this year I have completed three assignments that all focus on the studies and development of  narrative. I now feel confident enough to head into the BA year, with the pre-emptive ambition to develop an  immersive interactive narrative.